A wooden office chair?
The background to Savo 360 was to produce a sustainable office chair completely made of wood – including the star base and armrest, with every part replaceable. But a star base is heavy, and the J-bar and back components are the most appropriate for taking advantage of the ‘give’ and aesthetics of wood. The result is a hybrid between an office chair and a wooden chair, with an unconventional design that’s sustainable from a circular perspective. The original idea of replaceable parts has been integrated into the product, as every part is separable, which means you can change the chair over time. This is an intelligent and intuitive chair where the ergonomics are built in through the flexibility of the wood, which provides immediate comfort. The oak or ash parts also create a living and natural impression that makes the chair stand out and have an impact on its surroundings. With the option to choose the colour of both the wooden parts and upholstery, Savo 360 is easy to adapt to every environment.